Tuesday 5 July 2016


Our trailer was received positively by the class, few bad elements were brought up at all. Overall this trailer was pretty successful. The only improvements mentioned were to have more of me in the film, apparently I have good screen presence according to various students. Other problems included length, slight overuse of special effects, and some tonal conflicts.

To increase the impact of the meteors, I added this shot of civilians so that the audience sees that a lot of people will be affected by the meteor shower. I also added this shot so that it didn't seem like there were only three people to once again add to the impact.

This scene was also added for the same reason

  • Add more effects to the car instead of just explosions.

I have added the car being crushed into the ground as well as the wheel rolling across the screen. This makes it seem more realistic however it more assets make it harder to do and there are a few unfixable issues.  

I made this effect by shooting a car on a green screen and we made it collapse into the floor. We created this effect by putting the green sheet on two tables and balancing the car between the two tables. We then pulled the table apart causing the vehicle to fall down.

In another shot, we filmed a wheel miniature and rolled it across the screen to make it appear like rubble. We then added the explosions in post.

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