Tuesday 5 July 2016


Comets - Teaser Trailer (Extended) from Aidan Egan Tranter on Vimeo.


Our trailer was received positively by the class, few bad elements were brought up at all. Overall this trailer was pretty successful. The only improvements mentioned were to have more of me in the film, apparently I have good screen presence according to various students. Other problems included length, slight overuse of special effects, and some tonal conflicts.

To increase the impact of the meteors, I added this shot of civilians so that the audience sees that a lot of people will be affected by the meteor shower. I also added this shot so that it didn't seem like there were only three people to once again add to the impact.

This scene was also added for the same reason

  • Add more effects to the car instead of just explosions.

I have added the car being crushed into the ground as well as the wheel rolling across the screen. This makes it seem more realistic however it more assets make it harder to do and there are a few unfixable issues.  

I made this effect by shooting a car on a green screen and we made it collapse into the floor. We created this effect by putting the green sheet on two tables and balancing the car between the two tables. We then pulled the table apart causing the vehicle to fall down.

In another shot, we filmed a wheel miniature and rolled it across the screen to make it appear like rubble. We then added the explosions in post.


Avalanche from Aidan Egan Tranter on Vimeo.

Strengths - Good sound effects, and innovative use of special effects.
Weaknesses - Framing needs improvement, ultra keying requires further rendering.

Knife Throw from Aidan Egan Tranter on Vimeo.

Strengths - Good animating, good timing, strong editing.
Weaknesses - Poor acting

Minatures from Aidan Egan Tranter on Vimeo.

Strengths - Timing of videos moulded together well.
Weaknesses - Poor green screen, poor framing and poor acting.


Car Explosion
1.      To make the car appear as if it was actually hit by a meteor, we could add a miniature on a green screen and pull it on a piece of string. We would then add a visual effect of a meteor added in in post-production. We would get all of this and add it in behind the actor on location
2.      Another way we could achieve the needed effect could be to have a miniature car on a green screen and then throw a small stone at the car. We would then add fire and rubble to the scene in after effects. We would take all of this and add it behind the actor on location
Building Collapse
1.      To make it appear as if a building is collapsing, we could do it using solely visual effects. We would use these effects and add them onto a location we filmed.
2.      Another way we could achieve a building collapsing is that we could make a destructible building and film it on a green screen. We could then knock over the building so that it collapses. We would then add this to a location we filmed.
3.      Another way we could use the miniature destructible building to achieve this effect is we could throw a small stone at it to appear as a meteor. We would add effects afterwards to make it seem more realistic We would then add this to a location we filmed.
Prosthetics and Make up
1.      To make it appear as if the actors have sustained injuries, we could add cuts and blood to them
Meteor Hitting Street
1.      To make it appear as if a meteor hits behind the characters, we could have actors on location reacting to a meteor and then on a green screen either use a miniature meteor or a visual effects meteor and making it hit behind them in post-production
2.      Another way we could achieve this effect, we could film all of the assets separately. Firstly we could film the actors reacting to something behind them on a green screen. We could then film a street and add it behind the actors. Finally, we would either use a miniature meteor or a visual effects one and make it hit behind them.
News Report
1.      To appear as if there is a news report on their TV, we could add a recording of the reporter in a studio which we edited onto a blank TV in post-production.
2.      Another way we could make it appear as if the news reporter is on the TV is by actually having him on the TV. We would film him in a studio and then play that footage on the TV on the room.


Tuesday 28 June 2016


Animated Trailer from Aidan Egan Tranter on Vimeo.

Effects Explanation and Contingency Plans
-       Explosions (This digital effect is achieved by downloading green screen explosion clips and integrating them into our footage). If the regular green screen source fails our contingency plan will be to download similar videos from a separate source online.
-       Building collapses (This digital effect is achieved by downloading green screen clips and integrating them into our footage). If the regular green screen source fails our contingency plan will be to download similar videos from a separate source online.
-       Meteor collision (This digital effect is achieved by downloading green screen meteor clips and integrating them into our footage). If the regular green screen source fails our contingency plan will be to download similar videos from a separate source online.
-       News report (This effect is created through filming one of the actors in front of a green screen and integrating them into the prop of a television set). If the effect fails, our contingency plan will be to simply air the audio of the recorded green screen clip through a radio instead.

-       Make-up/prosthetics (This practical effect is achieved by applying dust and dirt to the actors face therefore making them look more dishevelled in the scenes that require it). If the effect fails, we will work without the chosen look and proceed with the filming.

To give the effect of the car being crushed, we had the green screen flat on two tables. There was a gap between the tables covered by the weighted down green screen to hold the car up over the gap. We then removed some of the weight. At this point the car fell through the gap giving the illusion that the car has been crushed into the ground.

Electrical equipment must be compatible with local mains electricity supply systems, and must avoid risks such as overload, fire or explosion. Battery performance may vary with extremes of temperature. Particular care should be taken when working in domestic premises, outdoors or on derelict sites. Make sure that all equipment is inspected and tested regularly by the supplier(s) – equipment used on temporary installations is likely to suffer heavy wear and tear. Plugs and connectors used on location should be rugged and built for protection against the weather. Emergency lighting must be supplied from its own independent power source so that a fault in one system cannot jeopardise the other.

Always plan for the amount and type of power required. Generators must provide the right power, voltage, and switching ability. Where multiple phase supply is used, keep cables and appliances on each leg far enough away from each other to avoid the possibility of someone receiving a double electric shock across different phases. All conductors and equipment, as well as cables, must be properly insulated and adequately earthed. Circuit breakers, such as residual currentdevices (RCDs), must be used, but not as a substitute for funda- mental safety measures (eg, earthing/insulation).
Cables must be safely routed or covered to prevent trips or falls and to protect the integrity and insulation. Keep cable runs as short as possible. Never overheat cables by running them close to heat sources or by running power through them while coiled or tied up. Ensure all equipment is inspected and tested regularly by supplier(s) and before use – especially equipment used on temporary installations, which is likely to suffer heavy wear and tear. Plugs and connectors used on location should be rugged and built for protection against the weather. Emergency lighting must have its own independent power source so that a fault in one system cannot jeopardise the other.